

Download Future Land PDF file, click here.


1-Meeting conference (Speaking practice) on 4-4-2020 at 7 p.m Cairo zone.

Meeting password : 123456

Meeting ID :    OR   532591334

After clicking the above link, join the meeting as an ATTENDEE.

Choose role-play cards from ( Future land cards ).


2-Meeting conference (Speaking practice) on 5-4-2020 at 7 p.m Cairo zone.

Meeting password : 123456

Meeting ID :   OR   452267041

After clicking the above link, join the meeting as an ATTENDEE.

Choose role-play cards from ( Future land cards ).


3-Meeting conference (Speaking practice) on 6-4-2020 at 7 p.m Cairo zone.

Meeting password : 123456

Meeting ID :   OR   846003099

After clicking the above link, join the meeting as an ATTENDEE.

Choose role-play cards from ( Future land cards ).


4-Meeting conference (Speaking practice) on 7-4-2020 at 7 p.m Cairo zone.

Meeting password : 123456

Meeting ID :    OR   147014641

After clicking the above link, join the meeting as an ATTENDEE.

Choose role-play cards from ( Future land cards ).


5-Meeting conference (Speaking practice) on 8-4-2020 at 7 p.m Cairo zone.

Meeting password : 123456

Meeting ID :    OR   291215529

After clicking the above link, join the meeting as an ATTENDEE.

Choose role-play cards from ( Future land cards ).


6-Meeting conference (Speaking practice) on 9-4-2020 at 7 p.m Cairo zone.

Meeting password : 123456

Meeting ID :    OR   920378331

After clicking the above link, join the meeting as an ATTENDEE.

Choose role-play cards from ( Future land cards ).


7-Meeting conference (Speaking practice) on 10-4-2020 at 7 p.m Cairo zone.

Meeting password : 123456

Meeting ID :    OR  353910078

After clicking the above link, join the meeting as an ATTENDEE.

Choose role-play cards from ( Future land cards ).


8-Meeting conference (Speaking practice) on 11-4-2020 at 7 p.m Cairo zone.

Meeting password : 123456

Meeting ID :    OR   397481616

After clicking the above link, join the meeting as an ATTENDEE.

Choose role-play cards from ( Future land cards ).


9-Meeting conference (Speaking practice) on 12-4-2020 at 7 p.m Cairo zone.

Meeting password : 123456

Meeting ID :   OR   604407516

After clicking the above link, join the meeting as an ATTENDEE.

Choose role-play cards from ( Future land cards ).


10-Meeting conference (Speaking practice) on 13-4-2020 at 7 p.m Cairo zone.

Meeting password : 123456

Meeting ID :    OR   103083765

After clicking the above link, join the meeting as an ATTENDEE.

Choose role-play cards from ( Future land cards ).